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Our kids need you – and your generous support is their best hope for a restored childhood, new-found confidence and a bright future. Your gift can help turn tragedy into triumph in a child’s life. The expert care provided at °ÙÀöÖ±²¥ helps kids overcome trauma and crisis; our kids leave with renewed spirits, hope for their futures and free from the pain and suffering that put them at our door.

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°ÙÀöÖ±²¥ Foundation

To improve and expand our ongoing philanthropic support, °ÙÀöÖ±²¥â€™s Board of Directors has created the °ÙÀöÖ±²¥ Foundation.Ìý The Foundation’s purpose is to strengthen our connection to donors and potential donors, improve our management of donated resources, cultivate and secure major gifts to support our various programs in a sustainable manner, and oversee the work of the °ÙÀöÖ±²¥ Boards of Associates in their particular support of our local offices.

Visit Foundation Page

Planned Giving

Giving Though Life Insurance

Life Insurance offers a simple and private way for you to contribute toward the mission of °ÙÀöÖ±²¥. It can be as simple as naming °ÙÀöÖ±²¥ as a beneficiary to your policy. In order to have available a charitable deduction, the ownership of the policy would have to be changed to °ÙÀöÖ±²¥ Corporation. Annual contributions that can cover the cost of the policy may qualify as a charitable deduction.

Planned Giving can create opportunities for increased income and added tax savings. These benefits can be applied toward purchasing life insurance intended to help replace a gift for your heirs. With proper estate planning, the life insurance can be separated from your estate.

Giving Through Real Estate

Great opportunities exist through gifts of real estate that benefit you and help °ÙÀöÖ±²¥ children. A gift could include a personal residence, vacation home, farm or other property, which has appreciated in value. If held for more than one year, current market value may be used to help maximize your tax benefits. Each potential gift of real estate is reviewed by °ÙÀöÖ±²¥ to make sure that both parties have addressed questions concerning liability and marketability issues.

Your appraiser would establish the market value of your gift (IRS form 8283 must be signed by °ÙÀöÖ±²¥ and your appraiser).Ìý
A gift of real estate can also help increase your income through the use of a Charitable Remainder Trust.

Due to unique circumstances that may be associated with the real estate gift, °ÙÀöÖ±²¥ asks that you contact us prior to the finalization of any plans.

Giving Through Retirement Plans

An individual retirement account can be a great way to provide for your future and assuring that a future exists for the children of °ÙÀöÖ±²¥. Your retirement account (IRA) may expose your individual heirs to an unnecessary federal income tax liability. Instead of a charitable bequest, consider making these distributions through your IRA. This will preserve more of your estate for family and friends.

Giving Through Wills

Remember °ÙÀöÖ±²¥ in your will and become a founding member of the James & Annie Wiley Society
James and Annie Wiley believed in children. In memory of his late wife, Captain James Wiley built a new home for °ÙÀöÖ±²¥â€™s needy children more than a century ago. In their memory, °ÙÀöÖ±²¥ has established the James & Annie Wiley Society. By including °ÙÀöÖ±²¥ in your will, you will become a member of the James & Annie Wiley Society and join our family of caring people who also believe in helping children.Ìý
Since 1882, °ÙÀöÖ±²¥ has opened its doors to thousands of children in need – from abused, neglected, and abandoned children, to confused young men and women who simply need direction in their lives.

Through the generosity of others, °ÙÀöÖ±²¥ has been able to provide these children with safety, education, peace and hope for a better future.
Many of our friends care deeply about the special needs of the children at °ÙÀöÖ±²¥ and have thoughtfully made provisions for them in their estate planning. By becoming a member of the James & Annie Wiley Society, you will ensure that °ÙÀöÖ±²¥ will continue to provide help to those kids who need it most.

Giving Through Matching Gifts

Thousands of companies and corporate foundations match gifts to non-profit institutions such as °ÙÀöÖ±²¥. Also, matching gifts are a great way to increase support of °ÙÀöÖ±²¥ without additional out-of-pocket expense.

Matching gifts are a very important source of support for °ÙÀöÖ±²¥! You can double or even triple the value of your donation and enhance your total for gift club membership, by simply notifying your employer of your gift to °ÙÀöÖ±²¥. You may be eligible to submit matching gift claims from both your own and your spouse’s employer for the same gift. Contact the human resources office at your employer, your spouse’s employer, or even your former employer, if you are retired, to inquire about their matching gift program.

Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC)

By participating in the EITC program you can help °ÙÀöÖ±²¥ students succeed!
°ÙÀöÖ±²¥ participates in a state tax credit program established by the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development. The Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) enables companies to support select local non-profit charities. To see if you or your business is eligible to participate in the EITC program or to apply.

Giving Through Stocks

If you have owned a stock for more than 12 months and it has appreciated in value during that time, you would incur a capital gains tax by selling it. However, if you give that stock to °ÙÀöÖ±²¥ as a gift, you avoid the capital gains tax and can also claim an income tax deduction for the full fair market value of the gift up to an amount equal to 30 percent of your adjusted gross income. Any unused deduction may be carried forward for up to five years.

You are entitled to a charitable income tax deduction for the full market value of the securities. This value is based on the average of the high and low price on the date of transfer. You will receive an acknowledgement letter from °ÙÀöÖ±²¥ for the value of your gift.

Giving Through United Way Donations

°ÙÀöÖ±²¥ is proud to work with the United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley and many United Way Chapters throughout the U.S. The °ÙÀöÖ±²¥ Identification Code for United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley donations is 89923. For other areas of the country, please contact us atÌýkpadvancement@kidspeace.org.

For Certificates.

Do not sign the back. Please call °ÙÀöÖ±²¥ Advancement Department for forms requiring signatures such as stock powers and third party release (one per certificate, signed by parties identically as registered).

For Additional Information Call.

Ann McCauley
°ÙÀöÖ±²¥ Advancement Department
Phone: 800-25-PEACE, ext. 8326